Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Again.......

 It is another rainy Monday morning here in the Pacific Northwest after a beautiful weekend of sun and pleasant temperatures.  We here at the Sorensen household had two full days of gardening, sun-catching and barbequing.  We loved it and enjoyed it to the fullest.  It was everything we waited all winter for and it couldn’t get any better.  This morning it is raining and windy and pretty much looks like winter all over again.  My daughter got up and ready for school but was no longer smiling (the other one still in bed), my wife also not smiling and me sitting inside at this darn computer.  Now we all know that the sun will be out again in a couple of days, but in the rain it’s hard to see that well known fact.  This got me to thinking about several of the recent transactions I have been involved in.  I know I’m covering some highway to make this correlation but bare with me.  

           Recently I have had several clients who are really excited about the house that they have found and made an offer on.  They waited a long time to save up the money, raise good credit ratings, qualify for a loan and shop for the perfect house.  Offer accepted and their time line progressing nicely they call us to inspect it for them.  The sun is finally out and shining on them.  Now WE all know that there is no such thing as a perfect house and that issues will be found but the clients are pretty much convinced that their dream house is perfect.  The inspection of course reveals the need for some repairs. Some are minor and some are more serious but all are fixable……and the rain starts.   Lately we have had a rash of buyers just backing away and looking for another house at this point even though most of the repairs are simple and common without even giving the sellers a chance to repair them.

           The highs and lows of real estate can definitely be hard to take for all of us at times but if the house is what you want, where you want to be and at the price you want isn’t it logical to at least give the seller an opportunity to correct the issues and you still have your dream house?  Just because we found some issues doesn’t mean the seller was hiding them, that is should have shown up on the form 17 or that there must be massive hidden defects with the house.  Sometimes if we just hang in there the sun will come out again and shine on our dreams.  Just a thought on a rainy Monday morning.  What do you think?


                              Matt Sorensen……       

I found it very strange that I would see this twice in the same month.  Romex cable pushed into an outlet to power an exterior light.  Come on folks, at what point did this seem like a good idea and how did you get it in there without shocking yourselves?  Please call an electrician when you need to add to your electrical system.